Whistle-blower Complaints

Access Group Solutions is committed to the highest standards of conduct and ethical behaviour in the way we work and relate to each other. We encourage our people to speak up and report suspected misconduct. 

An “eligible person” would be employees (including directors and managers); contractors, consultants, service providers, suppliers, business partners and former employees.

The types of misconduct that can be reported under the whistleblower protections include: 

  • Harassment, discrimination, bullying or any other form of unacceptable behaviour.
  • Creating an unsafe environment.
  • Victimising someone for making a disclosure
  • Fraudulent, illegal, corrupt, or dishonest conduct.
  • Unethical conduct.
  • Breaches any of our company’s policies
  • Violates the law or any legal code.
  • Conduct which is detrimental to Access Group Solutions or any of its related entities and could cause financial or non-financial loss.

Whistleblowers can choose to remain anonymous when making a whistleblower report. If you do not consent to being identified, your identity will not be disclosed unless the disclosure is required by law or if it is necessary to prevent a serious threat to a person’s health or safety.  

Whistleblowers can make a confidential and/or anonymous report to the following eligible recipients: 

  1. Your Call – Access Group Solutions’ independent whistleblower hotline
  2. Access Group Solutions’ Whistleblower Disclosure Managers, which includes the Managing Director, General Manager, People & Culture Manager and the Compliance Manager who is our Whistleblower Report Manager. Email: wbreport@accessgroupsolutions.com.au
  3. Access Group Solutions’ Team Leaders and Managers 

A copy of Access Group Solutions Whistle-blower Policy can be accessed here

Contact details

There are two ways you can contact the Whistleblower hotline.

  1. Website: https://yourcall.com.au/report  after entering Access Group Solutions’ ID: ACCESS2022
  2. Telephone: 1300 790 228 between 9:00am and Midnight AEST Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) 

Your Call acts as an intermediary with Access Group Solutions and provides a way for a whistleblower to retain their anonymity through their online system.

Your Call also enables Access Group Solutions to request further information, and a whistleblower to provide that information and to receive updates from Access Group Solutions on an anonymous basis. 

Security Licence Numbers

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