Get to know us

Our People

The passion and drive of our people is a key element which distinguishes Access Group Solutions from other companies.

We recognise our main offering is people.

We recognise our main offering is people. The passion and drive of our people is a key element which distinguishes Access Group Solutions from other companies.

Our investment in our people is vital to the success of our business and ultimately your business. As a direct result, our people ensure an incomparable degree of service and dedication to each customer and their business.


We envisage to select, retain and provide the best-skilled people to deliver a quality and consistent service.

Part of our offering includes but is not limited to:

  • Our New Employee Start Program
  • Company Induction
  • Site Induction Program
  • Continuous Learning, Development Programs - Face to Face, Online
  • Recognition and Reward Initiatives

Equal Opportunity

Access Group Solutions is committed to equal opportunity in the workplace and will continue to develop equal opportunity practices and programs compatible with our overall goals and responsibilities.

Access Group Solutions accepts that it has a responsibility to create an employment environment free of discrimination.

Access Group Solutions will continually monitor to guarantee that its practices and policies are free from direct or indirect discrimination.

Work, Health and Safety

We are committed to providing a workplace and environment that is safe and healthy for all those that come to our workplace.

The health and safety of our people is the highest priority and this will not be compromised. Access Group Solutions recognises that our people are our most valuable asset and as such we strive to provide them with a safe and productive environment. 

We will achieve this by:

  • Consultation
  • Working together with all key stakeholders
  • Planning, implementing and maintaining an effective occupational health and safety system
  • Investigating promptly any accident or near accident in order to undertake corrective actions as soon as possible
  • At all times, action will be taken immediately to correct any unsafe condition which arises
  • Ensuring all levels of our company actively participate in occupational health and safety issues, including training and compliance with our occupational health and safety requirements


Access Group Solutions is committed to the ongoing training of our people.

We will ensure our people are trained to the highest of standards. We believe that our training programs help give us a competitive edge. 

Our quality training includes a wide range of industry specific, customised and accredited (outsourced) training. Training varies from customer service, presentation skills and first-aid through to on-site induction, OHS training, equipment training and emergency procedures.

Quality and professionalism of our employees is paramount and ongoing training is provided at our offices, on-site and online to ensure skills are maintained.

Our programs are delivered face to face and online

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© Access Group Solutions 2017 | Built by Getmilk